A creative use of data for the long-running 'Have a break' slogan.
A vending machine at an airport in Sao Paulo that handed out free Kit Kats, but only to those with delayed flights.
The machine scans their boarding passes, then recognizes if their flight is on the ‘delayed’ list, and delivers the candy bar. A very creative use of data to offer consumers a little reward for their patience.
Main roles in this project:
Art Direction - UX - Industrial Design

Initial thoughts on ergonomics,
electronics and materials.

Initial thoughts on ergonomics, electronics and materials
The Delayed Flight Break Machine used the data available as a guiding force behind the creative implementation consumers experienced.
Accurate data allowed us to target the right consumers at the right moment.
For that to happen, we used an API (Application Programming Interface) from INFRAERO - Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company - to check, every 5 seconds, the status of all flights of Congonhas Airport - São Paulo, where the machine was installed for two weeks. Our reading interface was based on a scanner capable of reading both barcodes and QR codes.
The Delayed Flight Break Machine used the data available as a guiding force behind the creative implementation consumers experienced.
Accurate data allowed us to target the right consumers at the right moment.
For that to happen, we used an API (Application Programming Interface) from INFRAERO - Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company - to check, every 5 seconds, the status of all flights of Congonhas Airport - São Paulo, where the machine was installed for two weeks. Our reading interface was based on a scanner capable of reading both barcodes and QR codes.

Development stages

Development stages
The machine was 100% created with this design in mind, so all electronic and physical devices were created based on our needs.
For example, a ventilation system to ensure that the chocolates did not melt due to the proximity to the electronic devices inside the machine had to be adapted, as well as a rear access that allowed the chocolate to be refilled without the action being interrupted.

Special function activation cards

Special function activation cards
Finally, to avoid interruption of the action during operation, we created a series of cards with different QR codes, which were used to activate pre-programmed functions on the machine.
This way, we managed to enable or disable important functions for operation at certain times of the day using the same boarding pass reader. (It was not necessary to turn off or remove the application from the machine's screen to make the changes).

Feedback screens